Thursday, 1 March 2012

Gallagher suggests reason to fear Hodgson trade is the ghost of the Neely trade still haunting Vancouver

When two young stars like Zack Kassian and Cody Hodgson are exchanged as they were Monday, talk radio hosts are delighted because it causes fuel for banter for at least a week, sometimes longer.
But it goes on much, much longer than that in reality. How long if you really examine all the details? Well, if you're a Vancouver hockey fan you shouldn't ask, because the answer to that question is simple: The Cam Neely trade more than helped the Boston Bruins punt the Canucks' posterior in last year's final.
Shacks' Take: Gallagher sometimes has a way of seeing the worst in things and this is another of those occasions.  It's true the pick Boston used to draft Milan Lucic was obtained through assets received from the Cam Neely deal but Lucic's arrival in Beantown has more to do with scouting and wise drafting than anything.  The trail of players that have come to Boston through the Neely deal is an interesting piece of trivia but that's all.  Really the Canucks should blame Hartford for giving up 3 first round draft picks for Glen Wesley.  The Neely trade or any trade should not be the starting point for examining the Hodgson deal, let's give it time to breathe and judge it on it's own merit in due time.

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