Monday, 12 March 2012

Gallagher thinks it’s time to worry.

Perhaps now the Vancouver Canucks are disintegrating before their eyes, those so utterly determined to make excuses for these guys will give it a rest.

When you lose to the worst team in the Eastern Conference in your own rink in the middle of a homestand and get the crap kicked out of your alleged stars in the bargain, it doesn't get much worse. How coach Alain Vigneault explains this to his friends back in Montreal would certainly be an interesting conversation on which to eavesdrop as now that his team has nothing to play for they've decided to stop playing. And as you go down the roster man by man, there are just a few who can hold their heads up. The rest are just flat out embarrassing themselves as they not only lost, they watched a rag tag bunch with just as little to play for as themselves throw sand in their face. Their response was that of the 95-pound weakling. And if you wonder why there is complete panic on the airwaves this week as the Canucks take a break in their schedule, you'll have to understand. Vancouver fans are watching their team crumple like a paper napkin after lunch and expectations are a shade higher.  More…
Shacks’ Take:  Well Gallagher is nothing if not consistent.  Tony has a very difficult job having to write three or four articles a week on only the Canucks.  All of the local scribes do and it’s because of the sheer volume of content they need to supply that they have to assess everything immediately.  They don’t have the luxury of taking the long-term view, telling people not to worry there’s a month to straighten things out or that it’s a product of not having the motivation to battle hard in mean nothing games. It wouldn't sell papers.     

A local Canuck writer getting ready to talk Canucks. 
It’s the hardest thing I find in writing just a couple of Canuck related articles a week.  I could take the sky is falling approach and it would provide me endless topics for my blog.  Edler is – 5 in his last seven games, here are the reasons to panic.  Sedins haven’t scored in eight games, here are the reasons to panic.  Luongo let in three soft goals in three games after playing solid for two months, here are the reasons to panic.  Honestly the 'Chicken Little' articles write themselves but I wouldn’t be honest if I took that route. 
The truth is every team slumps and every team streaks.  Vancouver does need to find their compete level and they do need their stars to get going but it’s understandable why they’re having troubles getting up for games.  The last meaningful game they played was against Boston and now they’re trying to find emotion.  The President’s Trophy means little to this squad as they won it last year and I’m sure it makes them sick to look at it knowing it’s a reminder of the trophy the didn’t win last year. 
Tony’s right, the Canucks could exit in the first round this year but that would be true no matter how they were playing in March.  My suggestion, read the local papers to find out all the details of what could go wrong with the team, then come back to this site to keep yourself grounded.  I guarantee I won’t panic until Vancouver is facing elimination.
If you don’t believe me, believe in Bulis.

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