Friday, 23 March 2012

Willes thinks Canucks right to hunt down Keith after hit

Midway through the second period of Wednesday night’s game in Chicago, the TV crew began to fret over the Vancouver Canucks’ various attempts to exact revenge on Duncan Keith.
“They can’t spend the rest of the game running after Duncan Keith,” they said. “They’re preoccupied with Duncan Keith,” they repeated. “There goes another Canuck after Duncan Keith.”
Apparently this was a trend. The Canucks, in fact, were running after Keith. They were preoccupied with Keith. This game became about Duncan Keith.  More… 
Shacks’ Take:  It’s been a while since I agreed with one of the ‘Brothers of Doom’ since they’re usually only writing about the impending end of times for the Canucks, but Ed Doom got this one right with one caveat, it shouldn’t have taken a concussion to light their fire.
If Gino were still a Canuck, Keith would
be missing the rest of his teeth. 
I wrote just last Friday how I believe the Canucks weren’t helping the Sedins enough by using intimidation to make players at least hesitate before they cheap shot the Sedins, and now my words seem prophetic (here’s the link to the story).
In my opinion, the Canucks should have been using these last several games to establish the Sedins as off limits.  Anyone that looked cross-eyed at these games should have been introduced to Mr. Lumber and/or Mr. Knuckle-sandwich.  Unfortunately, instead of instigating the contact, they reacted to it. 
It’s still my belief the Canucks would be best served by sending a message, and putting Kassian up with Hank is a good start. 
That said, Vancouver did the right thing going after Keith, I particularly enjoyed the Burrows face wash accompanied by the Bieksa gloved punches, the abuse was well deserved. 
I hope the Canucks use these last several games, which mean almost nothing to them in the standings, to lay a couple of butt whoopings and let everyone know once and for all, touch a Sedin at your own peril.    
Why can't the Canucks do this for the Sedins.  Seriously,
Duncan Keith never would have elbowed Daniel if they did.

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