Friday, 9 March 2012

Gallagher proves once and for all he can find a negative for ever Canuck positive

You could presume the Vancouver Canucks are beginning to come out of their slumber at long last if you were an optimist.
If a pessimist, you would assume they moved far enough down the NHL food chain so as to find a team weak enough on the road for them to scrape out a victory on a game winner from Samuel Pahlsson, which is pretty much the definition of offensive manna from heaven. It comes around about as often as a Leafs' playoff game. More…
Shacks’ Take:  This is last piece of evidence we needed to conclude Gallagher can find some negative in every positive.  I could find a quicker route to work and a plane could crash on me, I could get a promotion, then a plane could fall on me.  I could take a trip to Hawaii and a plane could crash on the beach in front of me and block my sun.  There’s always a ying to every yang and a positive to every negative.  Columnists are paid to sell papers and writing columns that provoke your emotions do exactly that. 
As mentioned, I like to take a long view on things and it’s about the Canucks playing their best when the playoffs start.  I’ll let the local papers tell you about all the things that could go wrong and I’ll stick to critiquing them and writing about my observations.    

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