Friday, 23 March 2012

League Changes mind, Shanaban ask for face to face meeting with Keith

DALLAS — There was confusion late Thursday night regarding the status of a disciplinary hearing for Chicago Blackhawks defenseman Duncan Keith.

It was initially reported that Keith was to have a phone hearing, meaning any suspension could be no longer than five games.
But late Thursday, TSN and Sportsnet both reported that the league told Keith it wanted an in-person hearing to deal with his elbow to the head of Vancouver Canucks winger Daniel Sedin on Wednesday night. Keith's original hearing had been scheduled for 11 a.m. PDT today.  More…
Shacks’ Take:  The pressure on the league office had to be intense.  In the wake of Bountygate and Roger Goodell’s historic punishment, reckless hits like Keith’s, with a definite intent to injure factor have to be looked at with special care.
Shanny is trying but the refs ignoring calls and the
league executive seeming endorsement doesn't help.
The hit itself was bad enough but when you throw in Daniel’s earlier hit and Henrik’s claim that Keith said he was going to get revenge, the ruling on this one has the potential to blow up in the league’s face.
Much like the Saint's bounty program opening the door for potential law suits, NHL leniency on a intentional hit meant to injure that causes a concussion could open the door for a legal nightmare.  I think Shanaban is backtracking and about to lower the boom on Keith in order to pretend they care about the players again.
If the NHL cared about the players, they would instruct the referees to start calling penalties again.  After recent dirty hits by Keith, Doan, & Myers resulting in mere two-minute penalties despite each being suspension worthy, the league needs to change the optics of how they are protecting their players.
A nice 7 or 8 game ban on Keith would be a good start but actually calling all the penalties again would be a better solution.  Honestly, I'd love to know why these were two minute penalties on the ice but suspendable afterward.  The league is losing credibility by the day but that's nothing new is it?

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