Tuesday, 6 March 2012

ESPN’s Ashley Fox thinks Payton & Loomis should be fired for Bountygate scandal

Sean Payton deserves to get fired. Mickey Loomis does, too. New Orleans Saints owner Tom Benson should strongly consider canning his head coach and general manager for their stupidity and arrogance, if for nothing else.
Having a bounty system that financially rewards players for taking out the opposition is less offensive than the arrogance Loomis and Payton showed in not putting an end to it after the league first investigated the Saints in early 2010. They weren't scared or swayed by the thought of being exposed doing something that violated NFL rules. They let the pay-for-big-plays system remain. More…
Shacks’ Take:  I suppose if you look at the Payton and Loomis role in the scandal and don’t consider anything else they’ve done for the team and the city this could be an acceptable response but it’s an extreme reaction to say the least. After hurricane Katrina, Payton and Loomis brought this team from the brink of departure and built a team, which helped heal an entire city and region. 
If any team executives deserve the benefit of the doubt it’s these two.  Yes they deserve harsh fines and punishments, that’s the reality when you ignore player safety in this politically correct climate but there’s no chance these two should lose their jobs with the goodwill they’ve built in the New Orleans region.

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