Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Steve Nash’s Birthday Wish Should be a Trade

Happy birthday, Steve Nash. You are 38 on Tuesday. You are still playing at an absurdly high level for the fifth-oldest player in the NBA. You have won two most valuable player awards, and you are the only player in the league currently averaging 10 or more assists per game.

So on this, your special day, basketball junkies wish for you something that seems like a win-win situation: a trade. http://sports.nationalpost.com/2012/02/07/steve-nashs-birthday-wish-should-be-a-trade/

Shacks' Take:  First off, I'm sure everyone in BC wishes arguably the best athlete ever to come from BC Happy Birthday!!!  That said, Steve's run in Phoenix was great, almost perfect, except for that elusive title which eluded him. The writer of this one has it right.  Steve's a free agent at years end and Phoenix won't compete for years to come.  It doesn't make sense for a 39 year old to play out his last couple of years carrying a team to mediocrity, he should be helping push a contender over the top.  If he's likely to leave at season's end anyway, why not find that new home now?    


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