It can still end well here for Tim Thomas. Right now, the Facebook-posting, self-imploding goaltender is shoulder to shoulder with Curt Schilling and Manny Ramirez regarding how Boston will remember him. Not just as a player, but as a person, a key player-citizen in what is the unique nation of Boston sports.
Through a trio of Facebook postings issued over the course of 19 days, the 37-year-old Thomas has told the world that he wants to be heard. He feels the need to get his thoughts out there, and we are left to believe he wants to stimulate thought and conversation.
Shacks' Take: Here's what I want to know; is Thomas' Facebook page private, are these messages meant for only close friends, or does Thomas use the page to communicate with the masses. If these are private postings meant for his friends only, Tim should find the friend who's releasing his comments and stop the leaks. If Thomas is using the page to communicate with the masses, then man up you weasel and answer the questions. Thomas is living in the wrong city if he wants to remain silent after stirring controversy. Bostonians are passionate about their sports and their athletes like few others, they will not let it go if Thomas continues his grandstanding and it's not fair to his teammates or management when his silence makes people question them about Thomas views.
Tim, for your teammates, it's time to man up or shut up.
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