Monday, 13 February 2012

Canucks hopeful Chris Higgins' staph problems tamed for good

Chris Higgins is on new medication, can actually keep food down and is ramping up his skating.
This is good news because there have been nothing but bad developments for the versatile Vancouver Canucks winger in his ongoing struggle to overcome staph infections. Abnormalities ballooned his foot and hand in separate December dilemmas and led to additional on-ice ineffectiveness last month and obvious long-term concern. Flu-like symptoms triggered by an adverse reaction to antibiotics to address the lingering infections scratched Higgins from a Feb. 2 date with the Detroit Red Wings and a subsequent four-game road trip.
Shacks' Take: Hopefully the Canucks can get this problem sorted out.  Higgins is certainly not the key to a long cup run but his work ethic and the depth he provides certainly won't hurt. If Vancouver can't get this sorted by the trade deadline they will likely need to add one more quality forward at a price which may be higher than Vancouver would like to pay.  Best wishes Huggie. 

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