Monday, 6 February 2012

Peyton Manning flexible on demands

Peyton Manning is willing to structure his contract in a way that could expedite how quickly he is signed if or when the Indianapolis Colts release him.
Manning is completely open to creating a contract in which he would be paid little or no guaranteed money up front and he would have to earn every cent he makes strictly through performance, according to sources.

Shacks' Take: Since Peyton and Jim Irsay ensured as much of the pre-game hype was about their melo-drama and not the game itself, I feel compelled to at least include them as part of the post-game wrap.  We all know this is going to end sooner rather than later, could Irsay just release him already and stop the back and forth.  They did try to play nice later in the week to try and take some of the focus off themselves but this dog and pony show took up too much ink in a week when focus should have been on the two Super Bowl teams.  I'm guessing this is just the start of the post-Super Bowl hype that won't go away until this is settled. 

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