Monday, 6 February 2012

M.I.A. Flips Bird During Half-Time Show

The NFL and a major television network are apologizing for another Super Bowl halftime show.
There was no wardrobe malfunction, nothing like that glimpse of Janet Jackson's nipple eight years ago that caused an uproar and a government scrutiny. Instead, it was an extended middle finger from British singer M.I.A. during Sunday night's performance of Madonna's new single, "Give Me All Your Luvin."
In front of some 110 million viewers on NBC and uncounted others online, she flipped the bird and appeared to sing, "I don't give a (expletive)" at one point, though it was hard to hear her clearly.

Shacks' Take: File this one under much ado about nothing.  Honestly, how many people who watched the Super Bowl: A) saw M.I.A. do this B) actually watched the Super Bowl lip-syncing contest. C) know who the fuck M.I.A. is?  This is the Super bowl, mostly middle-aged men care about the game so why Madonna and a lip-sync show?  Then some irrelevant artist tries to make a name for herself by doing something that only the most uptight of us find offensive and the political correct police have to give her the 15 minutes of fame this attention whore seeks.  Had no one written about this no one would have noticed or cared.  Fortunately, the puritanical watchers are there to keep us safe. 

Funny, you can watch prime time tv and see 1000 different ways to kill a man but god forbid you see a left nipple or a middle finger at the half time of the Super Bowl.  America, your priorities are fucked up!

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